The Future is Above Us: Exploring Next-Generation Non-Terrestrial Networks



Imagine a world where every person, no matter wherever located, has access to fast, reliable internet. Whether one is in the heart of a bustling city, sailing in the middle of the ocean, or exploring the depths of a remote forest, he/she is always connected. This isn’t a scene from a science fiction movie but a glimpse into the future powered by non-terrestrial networks (NTNs),an important next generation communication technology. As we stand on the brink of the next generation of communication technology, let's dive deep into what NTNs are, their incredible potential, and what the future holds.

                                                           Fig:--Illustration of Non Terrestrial Networks

Understanding Non-Terrestrial Networks

Non-terrestrial networks, as the name suggests, are networks that rely on platforms beyond the earth's surface to provide communication services. Unlike traditional terrestrial networks, which depend on ground-based infrastructure like cell towers, NTNs leverage:

  • Satellites: Orbiting the Earth to cover large geographical areas.
  • High Altitude Platforms (HAPs): Stationed in the stratosphere, providing regional coverage.
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs),i.e. Drones: Offering flexible and mobile connectivity solutions.

These platforms work in harmony to extend the reach of communication networks, ensuring that even the most remote areas can be connected, including oceans and even skies.

The Evolution of Communication Standards

To appreciate the leap NTNs represent, it’s essential to understand the evolution of communication standards as defined by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), an organization that develops global telecommunication standards.

Release 17: Laying the Groundwork

Completed in 2022, Release 17 was a pivotal step towards integrating NTNs into the global communication fabric. It focused on:

  • Enhancing existing 5G capabilities, such as increased data rates and improved reliability.
  • Introducing initial support for NTNs, including new protocols for satellite communication.

Release 18: The Dawn of 5G Advanced

Expected in 2024, Release 18 marks the beginning of 5G Advanced (5G-A). This release mainly aims to:

  • Further enhance the performance of NTNs, ensuring seamless integration with terrestrial networks.
  • Leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for smarter network management.

Release 19 and Beyond: Towards 6G

Looking ahead to 2025 and beyond, Release 19 and subsequent releases will pave the way for the next generation, 6G. These future standards will likely explore:

  • Terahertz (THz) frequencies: Offering unprecedented data rates(order of Tbps) and capacity.
  • Advanced AI and ML: For autonomous network optimization and physical layer enhancements.
  • AI-powered network energy savings.
  • AI-assisted coverage, capacity and mobility optimization.    
  • Deep integration of NTNs: Creating a truly global, interconnected communication network.

Potential Use Cases and Applications

The integration of NTNs with next-generation communication technologies opens up a world of possibilities across various industries. Here are some exciting potential use cases:

  1. Bridging the Digital Divide

     One of the most transformative impacts of NTNs is the ability to provide internet access to remote and underserved areas. This connectivity can:                         

  • Empower rural communities with access to education and healthcare.
  • Foster economic growth by connecting local businesses to global markets.

     2. Disaster Response and Management

      In times of natural disasters, terrestrial networks can be compromised. NTNs can provide resilient          communication channels for:

  • Coordinating rescue and relief efforts.
  • Delivering real-time updates to affected populations.

     3. Maritime and Aviation Connectivity

      NTNs ensure continuous connectivity for ships and aircraft, enhancing safety and operational efficiency. This connectivity can:           
  • Improve navigation and weather forecasting for maritime vessels.
  • Offer passengers in-flight internet services, enhancing the travel experience.

    4.  Expanding the Internet of Things (IoT)

     The IoT ecosystem, with billions of connected devices, can greatly benefit from NTNs. Applications include:                    
  • Smart Agriculture: Monitoring crops and livestock in remote areas to improve productivity and sustainability.
  • Environmental Monitoring: Tracking climate change and natural resources in hard-to-reach locations.
  • Smart Cities: Enhancing urban infrastructure with real-time data from sensors and connected devices including aspects like smart traffic management.

    5. Défense and Security

     For military and defence applications, NTNs offer secure and resilient communication channels. This capability is crucial for:      
  • Ensuring reliable communication in diverse and challenging terrains.
  • Enhancing situational awareness and decision-making in defence operations.

The Road Ahead: What to Expect in 2024 and Beyond

As we look to the future, the advancements in NTNs and their integration with next-generation communication technologies promise to reshape our world. Here’s what to expect:

Broader Adoption and Deployment:

The adoption of NTNs will accelerate, with more satellites, HAPs, and UAVs being deployed. Telecom operators will increasingly integrate NTNs into their services, providing seamless global connectivity.

AI and ML-Driven Networks:

Networks will become smarter, using AI to predict and manage traffic, optimize resources, and enhance user experiences. Machine learning algorithms will improve security by detecting and mitigating threats in real-time.

New and Enhanced Applications:

The enhanced capabilities of 5G-A and the advent of 6G will unlock new applications. Innovations in augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), telemedicine, remote education, and smart transportation will transform industries and everyday life.

Continuous Standardization Efforts:

The 3GPP, the standardization body, will continue to refine and develop standards for NTNs, ensuring interoperability and global adoption. Collaboration between industry stakeholders, governments, and academia will drive the evolution of 6G.


The future of connectivity lies not just in the ground beneath our feet but in the skies above us. Non-terrestrial networks, coupled with the advancements in 5G Advanced and the forthcoming 6G, herald a new era of global communication. From bridging the digital divide to revolutionizing industries with innovative applications, the potential of NTNs is boundless.

As we stand at the threshold of this exciting journey, the world can look forward to a future where seamless, ubiquitous connectivity is a reality for everyone, everywhere. Stay tuned for more updates on this fascinating evolution, and prepare to experience the future of communication, where the sky is truly the limit.



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